Publishers V-Z

Tunis PressAn A-Z directory of Independent Publishers in the UK and Ireland that I know of, linked to an information page with addresses, websites and other contact information. If you know of any that I’ve missed could you please let me know using the Contact form.

Once I’ve made a page for the publisher on this website the name will link to that page with all contact details on it.

  1. V. Press: website
  2. Vagabond Voices: website
  3. Valley Press: website
  4. Vane Women Press: website
  5. Vanguard Editions: website
  6. Velocity Press
  7. Ventorros Press: website
  8. Verso Books
  9. Vertebrate Publishing: website
  10. Verve Poetry Press: website
  11. Verve Books: website
  12. VF Press: website
  13. Victorina Press: website
  14. Vineland Publishing: twitter
  15. Viper Books: website
  16. Virtual Zine: website
  17. Visual Verse: website
  18. The Voidery Aperture: website
  19. Vraeyda Literary: website
  20. Vulpine Press: website
  21. Wade Hudson
  22. Wales Art Review: website
  23. Walker Books: website
  24. website
  25. Ward River Press: website
  26. Ward Wood Publishing: website
  27. Wasafari Magazine: website
  28. Watermark Press: website
  29. Watkins Publishing: website
  30. The Waywiser Press: website
  31. Weatherglass Books: website
  32. The Wee Book Company: website
  33. Welbeck Publishing Group: website
  34. The Well Review: website
  35. Welsh Football Magazine
  36. What On Earth Publishing: website
  37. The White Review: website
  38. Whittrick Press: website
  39. The Wild Geese Press: website
  40. Wild Hunt Books: website
  41. Wild Pressed Books: website
  42. Wild Seed Magazine: website
  43. Wild Things Publishing: website
  44. Wild Wolf Publishing: website
  45. Wildness: website
  46. The Willowherb Review: website
  47. website
  48. The Winnow Magazine: website
  49. Witcherley Books: website
  50. Wizard’s Tower Press: website
  51. World Editions: website
  52. Wormwood: website
  53. Worple Press: website
  54. Wrecking Ball Press: website
  55. Writeresque: website
  56. Wundor Editions: website
  57. Wyldblood Press: website
  58. Y Lolfa: website
  59. Yaffle Press: website
  60. Yew Tree Press: website
  61. YLVA Publishing: website
  62. Yolk Publishing: website
  63. YoYo Books: website
  64. Zed Books: website
  65. Zenopress: website
  66. Zimzalla: website
  67. Zsa Zsa Publishing: website
  68. ZunTold Publishing: website
  69. Zymurgy Publishing

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