Publishers P-R

Tunis PressAn A-Z directory of Independent Publishers in the UK and Ireland that I know of, linked to an information page with addresses, websites and other contact information. If you know of any that I’ve missed could you please let me know using the Contact form.

Once I’ve made a page for the publisher on this website the name will link to that page with all contact details on it.

  1. P+H Books: website
  2. Paekakariki Press: website
  3. Palazzo Editions: website
  4. Palewell Press: website
  5. Pallas Athene: website
  6. Pallina Press: website
  7. Panther Publishing: website
  8. Paper and Ink: website
  9. Paper Lanterns Literary Journal: website
  10. Paper Swans Press: website
  11. Papillote Press: website
  12. Paragraph Planet: website
  13. Parakeet Books: website
  14. Paramecium Press: website
  15. Parallel Universe Publications: website
  16. Pariah Press: website
  17. Parthian Books: website
  18. Patrician Press: website
  19. Pavillion Books Group: website
  20. PB Press: website
  21. Peepal Tree Press: website
  22. Peirene Press: website
  23. Peninsula Press: website
  24. Penkhull Press: website
  25. Penn Press: website
  26. Penned in the Margins: website
  27. Pennine Platform: website
  28. The Penny Dreadful: website
  29. Pennyshorts: website
  30. Penteract Press: website
  31. The People’s Friend: website
  32. Peridot Press: website
  33. Periscope Books: website
  34. Persephone Books: website
  35. Phaeton Publishing Ltd: website
  36. Phaidon: website
  37. The Phlogiston Press: substack
  38. Phoenix Publishing House: website
  39. Phoenix Yard Books: website
  40. The Pickled Body: website
  41. Pictish Beast Publications: website
  42. Pikku Publishing: website
  43. Pilot Press: website
  44. Pilrig Press: website
  45. Pimpernel Press: website
  46. Pinter & Martin: website
  47. Pitch Publishing: website
  48. Pixel Heart Literary Magazine: website
  49. Planet and Planet Extra: website
  50. Platform for Prose: website
  51. Platypus Press: website
  52. Pluto Press: website
  53. PN Review: website
  54. Poddle Publications: website
  55. Poetry Ireland: website
  56. Poetry London: website
  57. The Poetry Review: website
  58. Poetry Space: website
  59. Poetry Wales: website
  60. Polari Press: website
  61. Polygon Books: website
  62. Pook Press: website
  63. Poolbeg Press: website
  64. Popshot Magazine: website
  65. Porridge Magazine: website
  66. Christopher Posner Books: website
  67. The Pound Project: website
  68. Praspar Press: website
  69. Prelude Books: website
  70. Product Magazine: website
  71. Profile Books: website
  72. Profusion Books: website
  73. Prolebooks: website
  74. Prototype Publishing: website
  75. Provoco Publishing: website
  76. PS Publishing: website
  77. Public Knowledge Books: website
  78. The Publishing Project: website
  79. pulpinprint: twitter
  80. Pulsar Poetry Magazine: website
  81. Push – The Writing Squad: website
  82. Pushing Out The Boat: website
  83. Pushkin Press: website
  84. Quadrant Books: website
  85. Quadrille Food: website
  86. Quartet Books: website
  87. Queerlings: website
  88. Quid: website
  89. Quiller Publishing: website
  90. Quirky Press: website
  91. Rack Press: website
  92. Ragged Bears: website
  93. Ration Books: website
  94. Rat’s Tales: website
  95. Raum Poetry: website
  96. Reach Poetry: website
  97. Read & Co. Books: website
  98. Read Zone Books: website
  99. The Reader: website
  100. Reaktion Books: website
  101. The Real Press: website
  102. Rebellion Publishing: website
  103. The Red Ceilings Press: website
  104. Red Circle Authors
  105. Red Dog Press: website
  106. Red Door Publishing: website
  107. Red Fez Books: website
  108. Red Hare Publishing: website
  109. Red Press: website
  110. Red Robin Books: website
  111. Red Rook Press, Alabama: website
  112. Red Squirrel Press: website
  113. Redbrick: website
  114. Reflex Fiction: website
  115. Reflex Press: website
  116. Reliable Copy: website
  117. Renard Press
  118. Repeater Books: website
  119. Retreat West: website
  120. The Rialto: website
  121. Richardson Puzzles and Games: website
  122. Riggwelter: website
  123. Ringwood Publishing: website
  124. Riptide Journal: website
  125. Rising Action Publishing: website
  126. Robotto Media: website
  127. Rockingham Press: website
  128. Romaunce: website
  129. Ross Cottage Publishing: website
  130. Rough Trade Press: website
  131. Route Publishing: website
  132. Rowan Moon Press: twitter
  133. Rowan Prose Publishing: website
  134. Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Ltd: website
  135. Ruby Fiction: website
  136. Rufus Stone Limited Editions: website
  137. Rustle Press: website
  138. Rydon Publishing: website
  139. Ryland Peters & Small: website

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