Publishers A-C

Tunis PressAn A-Z directory of Independent Publishers in the UK and Ireland that I know of, linked to an information page with addresses, websites and other contact information. If you know of any that I’ve missed could you please let me know using the Contact form.

Once I’ve made a page for the publisher on this website the name will link to that page with all contact details on it.

  1. 3:AM Magazine
  2. 3 of Cups Press
  3. 3TimesRebel Press
  4. The 87 Press
  5. 333 Sound
  6. 404 Ink: website
  7. A Void: website
  8. The A3 Press & Review
  9. Aaaargh Press: website
  10. Abaddon Books: website
  11. Ablekids Press: twitter
  12. Absolute Press: website
  13. ACC Art Books: website
  14. Accent Press: website
  15. Acid Bath Publishing: website
  16. Acropolis Journal: website
  17. Acumen Literary Journal: website
  18. Ad Hoc Fiction: website
  19. Aesthetica Magazine: website
  20. African Writing: website
  21. Against the Grain Press: website
  22. Agenda Editions: website
  23. Agenda Publishing: website
  24. Agora Books: website
  25. AK Press Edinburgh: website
  26. Alanna Max Books: website
  27. The Alchemy Press: website
  28. The All-New Swimmers Club: website
  29. All The Sins: website
  30. Allison & Busby: website
  31. Alba Publishing: website
  32. Allardyce, Barnett, Publishers: website
  33. Alma Books: website
  34. Almond Press: website
  35. Amarinthine Books: website
  36. Amber Books Ltd: website
  37. Ambit Magazine: website
  38. The Amorist: website
  39. Anamot Press: website
  40. Andersen Press: website
  41. Angry Robot Books: website
  42. Anima Poetry Press: website
  43. Another Place Press: website
  44. Another North: website
  45. And Other Stories: website
  46. Antiphone: website
  47. Aquifer Books: website
  48. Arachne Press
  49. Arbery Books: website
  50. Arc Publications: website
  51. Arcanum Press: website
  52. Archipelago: website
  53. Areté Books: website
  54. Aria Fiction: website
  55. Arkbound: website
  56. Arlen House: website
  57. Armley Press: website
  58. Art / Books Publishing: website
  59. The Artel Press: website
  60. Artemis Poetry: website
  61. As Yet Untitled: website
  62. D’Ascoyne Press: facebook
  63. ASLS: website
  64. Aston Bay Press: website
  65. Asylum Magazine: website
  66. Atlantic: website
  67. Atlas Press: website
  68. Atomic Bohemian: website
  69. Atrium Poetry: website
  70. Augur Press: website
  71. Aurora Metro Books: website
  72. Auteur Publishing: twitter
  73. Avery Hill: website
  74. Awen Publications: website
  75. Ayebia: website
  76. b small publishing
  77. Backlash Press: website
  78. Bad Form Review: website
  79. Bad Betty Press
  80. Bad Lilies: website
  81. Bad Press Ink: website
  82. Balestier Press: website
  83. The Bangor Literary Journal: website
  84. Banshee Press: website
  85. Barbican Press: website
  86. Barrington Stoke: website
  87. BarvasFoto: website
  88. bath magg: website
  89. BB Books
  90. Beachy Books: website
  91. Bearded Badger Publishing: website
  92. Beaten Track Publishing: website
  93. Beercott Books: website
  94. Behind the Hat Press: website
  95. Bellows Press: website
  96. Bent Key Publishing: website
  97. Beul Aithris Publishing: website
  98. BHP Comics: website
  99. Big Black Books: website
  100. Birch Moon Press: website
  101. Bird’s Nest Press: website
  102. Birlinn Ltd
  103. Biteback Publishing: website
  104. Bitter Lemon Press: website
  105. Bittern Books: website
  106. Black and White Publishing: website
  107. Black Cat Poetry Press: website
  108. Black Dog Press: website
  109. Black Herald Press: website
  110. Black Ink Fiction: website
  111. The Black Light Engine Room Press: twitter
  112. Black Pear Press: website
  113. Black Rabbit Press: website
  114. Black Shuck Books: website
  115. Black Static: Website
  116. Black Telephone Magazine: website
  117. Black Wolf Edition & Publishing: website
  118. Blackbox Manifold: website
  119. Blackstaff Press: website
  120. Blithe Spirit (The British Haiku Society): website
  121. Bloodaxe Books: website
  122. Bloodhound Books: website
  123. Blossom Spring Publishing: twitter
  124. Blue Diode: website
  125. Blue Falcon Publishing: website
  126. Blue Poppy Publishing
  127. Blueprint Poetry Press: twitter
  128. Bluefoot Press: website
  129. Bluemoose Books: website
  130. Boatwhistle Books: website
  131. Bobaloo Books: website
  132. Bodleian Publishing: website
  133. Bog Eyed Books: website
  134. Boiler House Press: website
  135. Bold Heart Publishing: website
  136. Bold Reekie Publishing: instagram
  137. Bold Voice Press: website
  138. Boldwood Books: website
  139. The Book Guild: website
  140. Book Hill Int: website
  141. Book Island: website
  142. Bookanista: website
  143. Bookouture: website
  144. Books to Treasure
  145. Books Work: website
  146. Boomslang Books: website
  147. Boudicca Press: website
  148. Francis Boutle: website
  149. Boxer Books: website
  150. Charles Boyle Editions: website
  151. Bradwell Books: website
  152. Brain Mill Press: website
  153. Brewin Books: website
  154. Bridge House Publishing: website
  155. Bright Light Books: website
  156. Brilliant Monsters Books: website
  157. British Journalism Review: website
  158. British Library Publishing: website
  159. Brittle Star: website
  160. Broken Sleep Books: website
  161. The Broken Spine: website
  162. Brown Owl Press: website
  163. Brown Watson: website
  164. Jonathan Ball Publishers (South Africa): website
  165. Bullaun Press: website
  166. Burning Chair Publishing: website
  167. Burning Eye Books: website
  168. Burning House Press:: website
  169. Burnt Roti: website
  170. Buster Books: website
  171. Butcher’s Dog: website
  172. Butterfly Books: website
  173. Byker Books: website
  174. CAAB Publishing
  175. The Cabinet of Heed: website
  176. Caffeine Nights: website
  177. Cahill Davis Publishing: website
  178. Calder Valley Poetry: website
  179. Calon Books: twitter
  180. Calque Press: twitter
  181. Cambridge Literary Review: website
  182. Cambridge Thinking Press: website
  183. Camphor Press: website
  184. Can of Worms: website
  185. Canbury Press
  186. Candlestick Press: website
  187. Candy Jar Books: website
  188. Canelo: twitter
  189. Canongate: website
  190. Carcanet Press: website
  191. The Cardiff Review: website
  192. Carnegie Publishing: website
  193. Carysfort Press: website
  194. Cassava Republic: website
  195. Cast Iron Books: website
  196. The Caterpillar: website
  197. Catkin Press: website
  198. Catnip Books: website
  199. CB Editions: website
  200. Centrala: website
  201. Centre for British Documentary Photography
  202. Cerasus Poetry: website
  203. Channel Magazine: website
  204. Chapman: website
  205. Charco Press
  206. Cheerio Publishing: website
  207. Chicken House: website
  208. Childs Play (Int): website
  209. Chime Whistle Publishing: website
  210. Chiselbury Publishing: website
  211. Choc Lit: website
  212. Chroma Editions: website
  213. Chronos Publishing
  214. Cicada Books: website
  215. Cillian Press: website
  216. Cinnamon Press: website
  217. Cipher Press: website
  218. Circaidy Gregory Press: website
  219. Claret Press: website
  220. Ayebia Clarke Publishing: website
  221. Clash Books: website
  222. clavmag: website
  223. The Clearing: website
  224. Clinic: website
  225. Close to the Bone Publishing: website
  226. Clover and White Magazine: website
  227. Clutag Press: website
  228. Cobalt Fortress: website
  229. Cogito Publishing: website
  230. Coin-Operated Press: website
  231. Colossive Press: website
  232. Columba Press: website
  233. Columbia University Press: website
  234. Comma Press: website
  235. The Common Breath: website
  236. The Compass Magazine: website
  237. Conker Editions: website
  238. Contemporary Small Press: website
  239. Cōnfingō Publishing: website
  240. Copy Press: website
  241. Coracle: website
  242. Corbel Stone Press: website
  243. Corn Cob Press: website
  244. The Cornovia Press: website
  245. Corona Books UK: website
  246. Corylus Books: website
  247. Council House Publishing: website
  248. Cranachan Publishing: website
  249. Crannog: website
  250. The Crater Press: website
  251. Cressrelles Publishing Company Limited: website
  252. Crime Scene Books: website
  253. Crimewave: website
  254. Crinkle Crankle Press: website
  255. Crooked Halo Books: website
  256. Crown House Publishing: website
  257. Crowvus: website
  258. The Crunch: website
  259. Crystal Magazine: website
  260. CTR+ALT+DEL: website
  261. The Curly Magazine: website
  262. Currach Press: website

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